Hello beautiful human!
You are soul in human form.
You did not arrive here empty handed.
You came bearing gifts.
These gifts are the genius, the spirit, inside soul.
Body, or soma, is the soil where the genius inside soul seed germinates and takes root.
Body is the soil where genius grow from the underworld through the liminal into the upper realm.
You do not come to know this genius through thinking about it, or analyzing what it might be.
You come to know it through sensing, feeling, deep listening and surrender to the path that wants to unfold moment to moment.
This work is not for the little you.
It is for the bigness of You.
That does not mean that we will discard the little you, no …
We will offer it the safety, comfort and reassurance that it needs to rest in the arms of the bigness.
Soul and genius on the other hand does not care about comfort.
It will stretch you tall, deep, and wide.
It will ask you to go into your inner wilderness to leave the wasteland of our current culture.
Are you ready?
🍉 🕊 🇵🇸
“When we avoid our
creativity we avoid
When we meet our
creativity, we meet
-Julia Cameron