There is a secret world hidden behind the visible surface of things.

"Don't go there, it's dangerous", some say.
"Who knows what creatures are lurking behind those doors."

But the doors are insistent, they keep showing up.
Beckoning you to come closer.

Secret Doors are portals into the liminal and imaginal, the realm in between, where you see what you see, feel what you feel, and know what you know.

The realm where Soul and Soil voice becomes tangible through hunches, symbols, and silent whispers in the dark.

This is the realm that teaches you to see in the dark.
The dark as in womb, fertile soil, and starry night sky.

See, listen, taste with your whole Self.

Secret Doors is a free offering where I intend to regularly add classes for you to explore different spaces, rooms, corners, and landscapes of your inner palace.

This is a great place to start if you are new to my work, and of course a great place to deepen into the mystery.

Different techniques lead you into different rooms, different corners, different landscapes of your inner palace.

The Self is one, yet it has endless facets. Using different doors, different portals, can land you in a part of your inner landscape you may not have known before.

These doors bring you to thresholds that are entry points into the mystery that underlies the visible surface of things.

It is like stars that appear on the night sky when you step outside on a clear night, away from the pollution of artificial light.

In approaching Self, and in approaching Soul, it helps to have a doorway, a portal, you can comfortably walk through, rather than having to break through the wall of conditioning that separates you from Soul voice.